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Medicinal products – Biotest AG

As part of its activities, Biotest develops and markets immunoglobulins, coagulation factors and albumins obtained from human blood serum, which are used to treat diseases affecting immunological and haematopoietic system. Biotest’s blood products are used to treat life-threatening illnesses such as severe infections, disorders of the immunological system or blood clotting disorders (haemophilia).   The most important starting material used in the manufacturing of medicines is human serum, which is processed into effective and highly purified medicinal products in one of the most modern production plants.   Serum processed by Biotest is derived only from officially licenced and regularly monitored blood donation centres in Germany, Belgium, Austria and the United States of America. Before this process, serum of the donors is screened for antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2, hepatitis C and HbsAg. Serum, which obtained positive results, is removed and is not subject to further processing processes.   Repeated tests of donor serum and a four-stage procedure to eliminate or inactivate viruses comprises, inter alia, nanofiltration (20nm) which ensures the highest degree of protection against transfer of pathogenic viruses to humans.   Products offered by Biotest meet the highest standards and are sold in countries with the most stringent registration requirements in the world. Patients, hospital employees, outpatient clinics, laboratories and companies from over 70 countries have trusted in the quality and safety of the products offered by Biotest.



IgM-enriched IgG preparation.

Intratect 50g/l, Intratect 100g/l

Human normal immunoglobulin (IVIg)

Hepatect CP

Recognised protection against hepatitis B virus.


Recognised protection against hepatitis B virus to be administered subcutaneously.

Varitect CP*

Proven protection against infection with hepatitis virus and effective method to treat herpes zoster.

*medicinal product available in Poland only through direct import.

Megalotect / Cytotect CP Biotest

Long-term protection against the symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection.


Haemoctin SDH 250, 500 and 1000 - Coagulation factor VIII. Product registered in Poland

Intensive care

Albiomin 20% - Natural albumin preparation with recognised benefits.
Pentaglobin - IgM-enriched IgG preparation.